Posts belonging to Category Internet Safety

Beware Of Scam Package Delivery Emails!

‘Tis the season of joy – and hackers trying to steal your personal information!  Scammers are sending out emails to unsuspecting users that state that their package could not be delivered – with the hopes that you will click on the links embedded in the email… USA Today article:  

FTC sues phone scammers who promised free money

FTC Article: Computer Security

Here is a link to a really good article on computer security from the Federal Trade Commission:

Stopping Unsolicited Mail, Phone Calls, and Email

Here is a terrific article (with helpful links!) provided by the The Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the nation’s consumer protection agency. Stopping Unsolicited Mail, Phone Calls, and Email

Internet Renewal Services SCAM

A J Street team member received this letter and although we immediately knew that this was a scam, it got us thinking about how many people may believe that this is REAL.  We wanted to help get the word out to everyone of this SCAM so share this far and wide! This is a pretty […]

Protecting Yourself From Hackers

There are stories in the news practically every day – someone’s personal data falls into the wrong hands and BAM! that poor person is left dealing with unnecessary headaches while they try to undo the damage. At the worst, your bank account or other financial records are compromised, affecting your credit and possible loss of […]

CartGenie Tip of the Week: How to create secure passwords

One of the challenges of living online — which nearly all of us do more and more — is that we have passwords for everything. Facebook, Gmail, Hotmail, Bank of America, Twitter, Amazon, Overstock, eBay, PayPal…the list goes on and on. For E-commerce merchants there is a whole new layer of complexity: passwords necessary to […]